Men and women from a manade (farm / ranch which breeds bulls) who ride camargue horses. They are often described as the camargue cowboys."Abrivados" or "Bandido"
When the bulls are set loose to run through the streets of the town or village from one end to the other. They follow a planned route (the streets are blocked) and are escorted by 'gardians' on horseback. The abrivado symbolises the arrival of the bulls to the "arènes" from their pastures, whereas the "Bandido" marks their return at the end of an afternoon."Course Camarguaise"
Also known as a "course libre" or "course à la cocarde", the Camargue bull game is very different from the Spanish tradition of bull fighting.An official sport since 1975, it does not involve injuring the bull. it is practiced in many arenas throughout the Languedoc from March to October.
The objective is to remove the "attributs" that are attached to the bull's horns. The competitors are on foot and rely solely on speed and agility.

A musical band composed basically of brass and percussion instruments which plays traditional music during "férias" and festivals.
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